Year 10

MDCC is a registered specialist school, this, at times, allows us to make modifications to curriculum delivery in line with our VRQA registration.

Year 10 at MDCC follows a framework where a student would expect to see a delivery of Literacy, Numeracy, Humanities, Health and Physical Education, Science and Technologies. Where possible, we try to develop curriculum that crosses over these Learning Areas and offers “hands on” opportunities.

The educational program is supported by a robust wellbeing framework focusing on resilience and emotional regulation. This is further supported by small class sizes and typically a staff to student ration of 1:6.

Upon enrolment, and then at the beginning of each semester, students will be part of creating their Individual Educational Plan (IEP). The IEP will identify both academic and wellbeing strengths as well as needs. Students who successfully complete Year 10, will have the option to discuss their pathway into either the Victorian Pathway Certificate (VPC) or the Victorian Certificate of Education–Vocational Major (VCE-VM) at MDCC.